Should You Do An MBA To Break Into Investment Banking?


The world of high finance is alluring. The suits, the deals, the money. Investment banking seems like a golden ticket. But it’s not so simple to break in.

You need the right prep, tons of networking, and some luck. An MBA can help but it’s no guarantee. Let’s talk straight about using an MBA to launch an IB career.

MBAs Open Doors​

Top MBAs are powerful, and a big reason is the exclusive network you gain access to. Harvard, Stanford, Wharton – these brand names instantly impress recruiters.

Once you get accepted, you join an elite tribe of current students and influential alumni working at the top firms. They control the hiring pipelines, and being a fellow MBA grad gives you an instant connection.

You get vetted for coveted on-campus recruiting. The finance courses help too, but networking is the hidden gem. Your classmates and alumni can make things happen through referrals and pulling strings behind the scenes.

It’s like joining a prestigious country club – automatic membership into an inner circle of power players. They look out for their own with plum jobs and opportunities.

Beyond networking, the brand halo effect shouldn’t be underestimated. Recruiters have a bias for big name schools like Harvard and Stanford. It signals you’re cream of the crop.

Same goes for brand name internships at Goldman, Morgan Stanley, McKinsey. Doesn’t matter if you fetched coffee – the brand on your resume gives you a leg up.

So leverage the network and milk the prestigious brand name. But also back it up with financial modeling expertise, passion, and hard work. The MBA opens doors through connections and credibility – walk confidently through them.

On-campus recruiting gives exposure. The skills you pick up in finance courses and case studies are handy too. No doubt, an MBA gives your application a boost.

Reality Check

But there’s a reality check here. The MBA itself won’t get you the job. You need experience, connections, and great interview skills. Competition is fierce, with hundreds vying for few spots. Campus recruiting is chaotic – you’re just one enthusiastic face among many.

An MBA signals ambition. But a six-figure degree doesn’t ensure offers. Pick your school carefully and leverage the network. Add technical skills. Show you’re passionate. That’s how you get a return on investment.

MBA As a Career Fast Track

Let’s say you’ve hit a wall in your current field. You’re in marketing or corporate HR but crave the thrill of high finance. The MBA is like a launch pad for lifting off into new orbits.

The top MBA credentials grab the attention of elite banking firms seemingly out of reach. It resets everything – new skills, network, and job prospects you couldn’t access before.

Suddenly doors open into the lucrative world of IPOs, mergers, stock trading that seemed permanently closed. The MBA blasts you out of a career rut onto new trajectories.

The core advantages are always the alumni mentors and on-campus recruiting. But you still need some applicable experience. Demonstrate how your abilities transfer – the MBA alone won’t suffice.

Express your passion for markets, transactions, modeling. Showcase communication and analytics talents from past roles. Financial modeling expertise is mandatory – start building it before B-school.

Given the heavy tuition, carefully target schools with the strongest IB pipelines. Go where the recruiting action is. Location matters too – NYC, London, Singapore etc.

Maximize career advancement and fast track timelines to get ROI on this major investment. Use the MBA strategically as a catalyst, not a cure-all. Execute the career transition thoughtfully and back up credentials with substance.

The MBA provides the launch pad – you still have to pilot the rocket ship. But if you pick the right program and supplement it well, your career trajectory can dramatically spike upwards.

Beyond the MBA

Let’s be real – to thrive in investment banking requires more than textbook smarts. You need laser focus, grit, expertise in finance and modeling, and beast mode drive. That’s what separates the champions in this game from the losers.

The work is demanding but also dynamic – client meetings, team projects, high stakes deals. One day you’re building a pitchbook, the next you’re reviewing an M&A term sheet. You’ll conduct expert analysis one minute and manage junior analysts the next.

The variety keeps it intense but engaging. You’ll live and breathe deals, numbers, and markets. The intellectual challenge attracts top talent, even if the hours are long.

Passion matters. If you genuinely love capital markets, transactions, and crunching numbers, you can make it in IB without a top tier MBA. Plenty hold positions at Goldman and JPMorgan without elite credentials.

Technical expertise like the CFA helps. But inner drive, motivation and a strategic career plan are absolute must-haves to dominate in this industry. Ambition plus expertise is an unstoppable combo.

The MBA can accelerate things, no doubt. But a focused, driven professional with banking knowledge can still climb to the top through continuous learning and smart positioning.

Final Verdict

At the end of the day, having a genuine interest in finance separates those who reach the upper echelons from those who burn out. Banking looks glamorous but requires inner fire.

You see, the MBA is not the only path. Hands-on experience may trump academics. What matters most: focus, technical expertise, connections, and hustle.

The MBA brand and network provide a boost. But smart preparation through finance courses, modeling skills and internships also open doors.

If you possess the inner drive, an MBA or alternatives like specialty programs can provide the missing piece to your career puzzle.

Just know that IB success still requires superhuman stamina. You may afford an Aston Martin in your 20s, but will you have time and sanity left to enjoy the drive?

A word about the author

Aurelian Tran is the founder of Alpha Lane and an ex-Goldman Sachs analyst who has spent 4+ years working in the investment banking industry.

He founded Alpha Lane to help students and young professionals achieve their highest professional ambitions, by securing offers at top-tier financial institutions.